Carlino Guitars

Carlino Guitars

The only place to Rock

  • Appraisal
  • Consignment
  • Lessons
  • Repair
What's New

we were just awarded the Greco Dealership in the USA. we will have the ever elusive GM series, (iceman) in he US. and other models as well.

The place to go for Custom Guitars, straps and accessories, we now are the ONLY shop in the USA that can sell Greco Guitars and Zemaitis Guitars. First time in 45 years that Greco is allowed in the USA. We also sell, Jackson, EVH, Charvel, Ibanez, Carlino, Luna, Furch, Musicman, and more.

Carlino Guitars
eddie carlino
Medford, MA
4:37 AM
sun 11-6 Mon-Fri 10am -9pm, sat 10am-7pm

we accept cash, credit MC, VISA paypal.

we usually ship within one day of ordering UNLESS its a strap we have to make that we do not have readily available or a guitar that is modified per order

7 day merchandise return only,